Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Silence .....

Monday, June 22, 2009
I MISS YOU… Still…

I miss you when I cry,
Because you are no more there to hold me,
I miss you when I am happy,
Because you are no more there to share it with me,
I miss you when I m troubled,
Because you are no more there to understand me.
I miss you when it rains,
Because you are no more there to tease me.
I miss you when I am awake,
Because you are no more there to talk to.
I miss you when am trying to sleep,
Because you are no more there to text me good night.
I miss you when I am asleep,
Because you are no more there in my dreams.
I miss you all the time,
But especially when I think of all the good times we spent together,
And now I realize how I have lost them,
They were the best moments I spent with you.I
try to hear the raindrops falling on the roof,
But all I hear are my tears falling on the cheeks,
And know that I am missing you.
It felt so good when you said am special and close to you,
You made me feel like an angel,
We used to talk for hours on the phone,
and meet on every weekend,
And after every meeting it felt like a dream.
Friendship was everything, and love heaven.
I miss our phone calls at all hours of day and night,
Our walks in the park and on the road,
Our bus rides, and bus stop dates,
Our Spice,McD and vatika hangouts,
Planning for the future in A380 suites,
Our messages and chats,
Our sharing, our caring for each other,
Our code words, and laughing on each other’s friends,
Joking about rains and clouds,
Telling each other everything that happened during the day,
No matter how immaterial that might be,
We could not survive without each other,
And now we cannot live with each other.
Now that you are gone, it pains to think
Not only have I lost my love, but my best friend as well.
It hurts to miss you,Hurts to think about the choices u made,
Its my mistakes, and I lost you forever.
But you have not lost my love,
You are my world, my haven
I can never forget you,
And it breaks my heart everyday,
To think I don’t have you, and can never have you,
Yet I miss you.
"memories r always confusing.. making u laugh wen u remember d times u cried together..
and cry when u remember the time u laughed together".
This is neither a poem, nor a prose,
This has no rhyme or rhythm.
It has got nothing, saying in the traditional sense,
just my raw feelings from the deep silence.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Happy Birthday dear bro...

When i looked back to all those many years .in which .. we both grow up together .. we fight together .. we care for each other. ..We may miss each other . but didn't express it .. we joked, praised each other, feel jealous ( yeah you heard it right ..I do !!! ) about each other. All these years .. i didn't realise how lucky I m. How much love,care he gave me.In any situation whenever I felt drowning he was always there with lots of support , advice and effort to cheer me up.
I am always envy on his out of box, optimizing thinking and may be that’s why sometimes I use my Big B tag and go mad on him.
More I think about, more I adore him. I have seen him transforming from a don’t care teenager, who gulping all kind of roadside edible ( non ) , who always rebel about the decisions to a conscientious , mature adult. I still amazed the way he handled all the work in my sister’s marriage with me and dad only to help. Manner in which he handled the entire chronicle ranging from a sweeper/laundry boy to event manager / decorator was simply superb.
My dad always said to me in our childhood that I should have some qualities like him, and still after so many years his point is valid.
Thank you Rahul for being my life … thanks for giving me the respect of big brother and opportunity to love you as younger brother.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
I wish she could be mine...!!

she looked perfect, divine...
i wish I could hold her forever...
i wish she could be mine...!!
Shining brighter than the sunlight
I look at those glimmering eyes
yet…I am here, still, and mesmerized..