After a long long time I have enough time to write what the voice in my head has been saying all along and poking me to spill out. So sit back this one is gonna be long.. and... incoherent in places. So following are some theories that have been developed over hundreds of discussions with myself and my friends.
You are alone (.. and thats good!)
I have realized, that if life is a journey than you are all by yourself. You are the only one who is going to be with yourself till the end. Everyone has there own paths. People meet each other. Walk with you for a while. Probably exchange ideas.** They teach you, by words or by actions, by love or by deceit... And then they move on. Your paths separate and then you meet new people and new sights on your journey. You may meet again at crossroads, some faraway turn or not meet at all.. Everyone has a journey, a story of which you are a part only for a while. It is up to you..totally.. what you make of what is given to you. The knowledge and experience you gain, whether it is from watching Discovery channel or by selling flowers on the redlight, they make you what you are. You are a residue of your own actions and choices. You are a residue of your yesterdays. What people say or do are just events. What happens is an event. The events are momentary. They will happen on and off to add stories to your journey. What you make of an event is ~You~. Each event whether good or bad, moves you one step closer to being a new person. People are just part of your journey it for a while. In the end you are the one that is there for you, (And also the faith.. in case you are a theist...) So you have to make the most of it all.
Life is ours we live it our way... Nothing else matters.
lov it....