Free Will
Whatever we do, whatever we say.. we do it for ourselves - good or bad. We make someone happy, it is because we wanted to. We did something wrong its we who decide too. We choose to be mean. We choose to see someone happy. And since it is our choice what we do.. we can't expect them to do something in return. You are a good friend because you want to be. S/he is not because s/he chose so. Thats my explanation of free will. You can choose to believe, not believe, to be happy, to be sad, to be angry, to love, to feel loved.
Life is like Ludo..(yeah the board game)
(Ok lower the eyebrows, and miffle the laughter at my weird ideas.) Just like the game, you have a path and you have a destination. The destiny is the dice. You don't know what you'll get when you throw the dice. You get a number, a situation and you get a choice, what to make of it. You can choose which counters you can move. Some times you have a lot to choose from..sometimes you don't.( hmm.. the theory isn't finished... yet. But its a spark.. I mean start.)
Change is the only constant
(you try to derive I mean drive it and it is zero, (nerdy pj.. u'll get it if passed 12th with maths :P, you'll get it faster if you had failed. :P:P))I am amazed at just how dynamic we are! You are changing every minute every second. You are not the same person you were a while ago. A thought, an idea, a word, a song... something... something pops up into your mind.. turning keys of this machine and your mind is on fire! What will be the outcome when it slows down.. you can't even guess now. It will be something you have not been before. Yes we may do the same things. The event or action may be the same.. but the doer is transformed! Its something like a chemical equilibrium. It may seem static but it really is dynamic. The old keep on moving away and the new keep on adding in.
** As me and my dear friend ( who really writes well ) were discussing, whenever two people meet, it really is a chemical reaction. (Ok aaj chemistry bahut yaad aa rahi hai..lol). This was probably a quote I read somewhere, but really, whenever two people meet and talk even for a while.. they exchange ideas, vibes, thoughts, energies. And the two are left changed after the interaction. The change can be big or small depend on the inteREACTION. but yes.. we are changed.. we get something new, are reminded of something old... but finally we are ..yes you guessed it.. changed!
Dunno how much any of it makes sense to you right now. Will try to be clearer with more experience ;) ;)
Till then, Love and a spark of fire for your head! :)
Smoke it up!
osum write up...